Interested congregations and ministries network call:
This Saturday there will be an Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries conference call for all interested congregations and ministries to network with each other and discover more information about the different ways of supporting ELM. Folks on the call will also be informed of the Covenant for Congregations Affiliating with ELM.
This call is geared toward lay people. This is not a decision-making call; it is an information sharing and relationship building call. It will provide an opportunity for those working in congregations or ministries that have ELM leadership or those who have opened their call process to ELM leadership to have sense of their partnership with one another across the nations.
Saturday, June 27
9:00 a.m. pacific; 11:00 central and 12:00 noon eastern.
If you would like to join the call, please send an email with your name and congregation or ministry to and we will send you the call-in information.
Thank you!