Censure Lifted at Congregation Served by ELM Roster Member

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We joyfully announce St. Paul Area Synod Bishop Peter Rogness has lifted the censure and admonition of St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church in St. Paul, MN. ELM roster member Pastor Anita Hill is senior pastor of the congregation. Sanctions had been placed on St. Paul Reformation Lutheran Church since 2001 after they extended a call to Pastor Anita Hill. Pr. Hill was ordained extraordinarily in 2001. In a letter to congregational co-presidents Anita Wheeler and Paul Chindvall formally removing the censure and admonition, Bp. Peter Rogness wrote:

“In lifting the sanctions in 2003, I observed that even in the aftermath of the imposition of censure and sanctions regarding participation, St. Paul-Reformation remained engaged and supportive of the life of this church. From that time until now, St. Paul-Reformation, its pastors and members, including Anita Hill, have been steadfast in their support of our life together as a church, and bold in their witness as Christ’s people in the world. Your disagreements with decisions of the church did not cause you to pull away; in this you have modeled for the whole church what it is to be united in Christ and Christ’s mission, not dependent on agreement on all things, but knowing how to embrace and affirm diversity in many ways. The whole church is stronger for your witness.”

Read more about Rev. Hill and her congregation’s commitment to justice for people of all sexualities and gender identities called to serve as ordained pastors here.