Reception and Reinstatement Service Scheduled in Sierra Pacific Synod

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A service of reception, reinstatement and reconciliation will be held for 7 ELM pastors in the Sierra Pacific Synod in July. The service is Sunday, July 25 at 4:00 pm at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in San Francisco, CA. The ELM pastors being received are Rev. Paul Brenner, Rev. Jeff Johnson, Rev. Craig Minich, Rev. Dawn Roginski, Rev. Megan Rohrer, Rev. Sharon Stalkfleet. The pastor being reinstated is Rev. Ross Merkel.

Since the August 2009 Churchwide decision many ELM roster members plan to join the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) roster. The reception process is the last step in becoming part of the ELCA roster for those who were extraordinarily ordained.

As we receive more details about this service and others we will let our supporters know about these joyous celebrations.