As a parish pastor for 25 years, Donn Rosenauer has approached congregational stewardship and fund raising activities as ministries that strengthen mission goals that impact the larger community.
Rosenauer has served Lutheran congregations in Watford City, ND, Rochester, MN; Zumbrota, MN; Lincoln, NE and Seattle, WA. During his seven years at Zumbrota, congregational giving increased 80 percent. In Zumbrota he spearheaded a drive that resulted in building a chapel for the community hospital. In Seattle he chaired a successful fund raising drive for the Northwest Religious Broadcasting Commission. As a Paul Harris fellow, Donn raised significant dollars for the Rotary Foundation.
Donn is a graduate of Texas Lutheran University with a major in communications. He holds a Master of Divinity from Wartburg Seminary, Dubuque, IA. Throughout his ministry, he served on numerous church and community boards and committees on local, regional, and national levels.
Donn has served as a Consulting Associate of Kairos for the past twelve years. During this time he has conducted major funding appeals in over one hundred congregations nationwide.