Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries (ELM) has announced that Lisa Larges will be the keynote presenter for its spring rostered leaders retreat. The retreat will be held April 1-3 near Lake Geneva, WI and is open to all publicly-identified lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Lutheran clergy and rostered lay leaders. The retreat will be the formal launch of Proclaim, a new professional community for LGBTQ rostered leaders in the Lutheran church. Registration information is available here.
A lifelong Presbyterian, Lisa became a candidate for ministry in the Twin Cities Presbytery (a regional governing body in the Presbyterian Church) in 1986, and a publicly-identified lesbian candidate in 1991. The Twin Cities Presbytery affirmed her call to ministry as an open lesbian.
In 1992, that affirmation was overturned by a ruling from the highest judicial court in the Presbyterian Church.
Lisa has continued to seek ordination to Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church for more than 20 years. In a groundbreaking decision the Presbytery of San Francisco approved Lisa to move forward in the Ordination process. The vote by the San Francisco Presbytery to move Lisa forward in the ordination process was challenged, and in the fall of 2009, the highest court of the Presbyterian Church ruled that the Presbytery could bring Lisa forward for the trials of examination for Ordination.
In 2010, the Presbytery voted 156-138 to approve her for Ordination. This decision was been challenged, and will go through the Presbyterian judicial process. A final ruling is expected in early 2011.
“Lisa’s story has parallels and intersections with many in our community,” said ELM Executive Director Amalia Vagts. “Her public identity as a lesbian called to serve has been instrumental in changes within the Presbyterian church. We are delighted to learn more with her!”
Lisa currently serves as Minister Director for That All May Freely Serve, an organization working for the full inclusion of LGBT people in the Presbyterian Church, particularly on the issue of ordination.