ELM and EcoFaith Recovery Celebrate in Portland

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Drummer at EcoFaith Event44  wonderful folks gathered at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Northeast Portland, OR last Sunday night to talk about ELM and Portland-based EcoFaith Recovery.  It was an inspiring and energizing time!

We gathered around a drum circle and shared in an incredible buffet of local and sustainable food prepared through the “Simply in Season” groups initiated as a partnership between EcoFaith Recovery and St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Beaverton, OR.  Following the music and meal, we shared stories of the exciting ministry going on through EcoFaith Recovery and updates from ELM. EcoFaith Recovery has launched a number of programs, including Table Talks that bring folks together for conversation about the environment, Green Spirit, a spiritual support group for those seeking recovery from  cultural  addictions that hurt the earth, and the Simply in Season groups: The primary resource is the  cookbook and its accompanying study guide for small groups published by the Mennonite Church.(Remember the “More with Less” cookbook? This is the next incarnation of that book.)  Group members meet in one member’s home to share recipes prepared using the cookbook. There is even a Simply in Season  cooking class  for kids!

It was wonderful to create and deepen connections between people who came because of ELM, and those who came due to EcoFaith Recovery, and especially those who just came out to learn about both groups! I left feeling just amazed by this “rainforest” ministry going on…life leading to life (thank you Bishop Brauer-Rieke, who gives a wonderful talk about the “rainforest” church).

EcoFaith Recovery began with a concept grant from ELM in 2009 and continued with an additional grant in 2010. We are blessed to be continuing to fund this growing ministry in 2011, thanks to support from our wonderful donors. Pastor Robyn is an ELCA pastor today because the ELM roster was there to support her ministry when she didn’t see a future in the church as a publicly-identified lesbian called to ordained ministry.

You support ELM. ELM supports Robyn. Robyn supports EcoFaith Recovery. And EcoFaith Recovery is renewing the church. What a joy for all of us to be a part of this!