Proclaim member a Citizen of Tomorrow Award finalist

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Proclaim member Rev. Megan Rohrer has long been involved in her local Bay area community and ELM. She recently joined Proclaim, the professional community for publicly-identified LGBTQ Lutheran rostered leaders and seminarians. Megan is a finalist (1 of 5) for the Bay Area Citizen’s, Citizen of Tomorrow Award.  The contest is based on: “Which of these inspirational local leaders is creatively solving a significant Bay Area community challenge?” The winner  gets $5,000 for their project. The winner is decided by the public voting for their project of choice.

SF Refresh YogaMegan’s project: SF Refresh,  created and coordinated by Megan, provides free whole body health care in community gardens throughout San Francisco where individuals receive free massage, acupuncture, listen to live music, participate in art projects and learn about mindfulness and meditation.

You can vote once per day until May 16 at 5pm, please vote here to support Megan’s project, she is #5 on the list: