The Rev. Phyllis Zillhart

The Rev. Phyllis Zillhart

In 1990, Rev. Zillhart founded Lutheran Lesbian and Gay Ministry along with her colleagues, Pastors Jeff Johnson and Ruth Frost, to provide an outreach to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered community of the San Francisco Bay Area. These three persons were the first openly lesbian and gay people to be ordained in the Lutheran Church.

Phyllis was ordained extra ordinem on January 20, 1990 in a service at historic St. Paulus Lutheran Church in San Francisco that was attended by over 1000 persons, with participation by over 70 clergy members. She was considered ineligible for placement in an ELCA congregation because of a denominational policy that required a pledge of celibacy from gay and lesbian pastors. Phyllis served as the Associate Pastor for Outreach and Evangelism at St. Francis Lutheran Church, San Francisco. She served in this position from 1990 to 2005.

Phyllis currently lives with her partner in the Twin Cities Area of Minnesota. She currently serves as a Chaplain with Fairview Hospice in the Twin Cities Metro. Phyllis was received on the ELCA Clergy Roster in a special “Rite of Reception” in the Saint Paul Area Synod on September 18, 2010, in a special celebration with ELM roster colleagues Ruth Frost and Anita Hill.

She was issued a Letter of Call to Specialized Ministry on Oct. 21, 2010 through the Minneapolis Area Synod of the ELCA.

The Rev. Ruth Frost

Rev. Ruth Frost

Formerly a teacher and drug and alcohol counselor; Ruth was ordained on January 20, 1990 and served as the Associate Pastor for Outreach and Evangelism at St. Francis Lutheran Church, San Francisco. She served in this position from 1990 to 2005.

In 1990, she founded Lutheran Lesbian and Gay Ministry along with her colleagues, Pastors Jeff Johnson and Phyllis Zillhart, to provide an outreach to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered community of the San Francisco Bay Area. These three persons were the first openly lesbian and gay people to be ordained in the Lutheran Church.

Ruth was ordained extra ordinem in January 1990 in a service at historic St. Paulus Lutheran Church in San Francisco that was attended by over 1000 persons, with participation by over 70 clergy members. She was considered ineligible for placement in an ELCA congregation because of a denominational policy that required a pledge of celibacy from gay and lesbian pastors.

An accomplished stained glass designer, Ruth has helped congregations express their mission and identity through the arts.  You can see two of her projects at St. Francis Lutheran Church in San Francisco and Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer in Sacramento, CA.  Currently, Ruth is working as a chaplain for Hospice of the Twin Cities in Minnesota.

In 2008, Ruth Co-founded, together with her ELM colleague Richard Andersen, a new ministry called Third Act Life Discovery.  Third Act invites people to consider the question “Who do I want to be and how do I want to live in the third act of my life?” Check out this ministry at

Ruth was received on the ELCA Clergy Roster in a special “Rite of Reception” in the Saint Paul Area Synod on September 18, 2010, in a special celebration with ELM roster colleagues Phyllis Zillhart and Anita Hill.

On Oct. 21, 2010, Ruth was also issued a Letter of Call to Specialized Ministry as Hospice Chaplain for Hospice of the Twin Cities.

Matthew James

Matthew James

Matt James is an approved candidate for ordained ministry with Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries (ELM). Matt received his BA from the University of Northern Colorado and an MA in Media Studies from The Pennsylvania State University, where he was very active in the Lutheran Student Community. Matt graduated from The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia in May 2010.

Originally from Colorado, Matt ventured away from home after his undergraduate work and served for a year with the Lutheran Volunteer Corps in Washington, D.C. It was there that Matt began to claim his identity as a Lutheran.

While in graduate school, Matt began to sense a call to ministry that combined his passions of his faith, education, and social justice into one vocation. Matt chose to begin candidacy with ELM rather then negotiate the ELCA’s then-present policies for openly LGBT rostered leaders.

Matt met his partner, John Weit, while they were both students in seminary. John currently serves as Director of Music at Trinity Lutheran Church in Worcester, MA.

Matt is has been approved for ordination by the New England Synod of the ELCA and is awaiting a call to parish ministry in New England.

Rostered leader Rev. Megan Rohrer Vanguard Revisited Project

Rev. Megan Rohrer
Rev. Rohrer

Rostered LGBTQ leader Rev. Megan Rohrer is working on an exciting project- ‘Vanguard Revisited‘. The first stage of the project is to conduct oral history interview with members of Vanguard: “ Cited as the first gay liberation organization by historians, our project interviewed some of the original members of Vanguard and the pastors who made their work possible.” Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries is funding this portion of the Project.

Some other aspects of the project include a traveling speaking tour, creating a zine, writing a book, a physical exhibit at the GLBT Historical Society and much more.

The Rev. Jane Ralph

The Rev. Jane Ralph

Jane Ralph was ordained April 24th, 1992. She served as pastor of St. James Lutheran Church, Director of The Child Abuse Prevention Ministry  in a synodical call to Metropolitan Lutheran Ministry and as pastor of King of Glory Lutheran Church all in or around Kansas City, MO before being removed from the ELCA roster in 1998.

Since then Jane’s ministry has taken many turns and she has found herself working in media advocacy for GLAAD, homeless ministries and services at N Street Village in DC and COTS in Burlington, VT, and as Multicultural Outreach Coordinator for Holden Village. Along the way her unpaid work included significant investment in Soulforce, Anti-racism work, faith based community organizing and leadership in LLGM.

In June 2007 Jane was selected as Executive Director of the Clarina Howard Nichols Center in Morrisville, VT a feminist organization dedicated to ending sexual and domestic violence through survivor centered service and advocacy. Jane serves as Co-Chair on the Board of the Vermont Network to End Domestic and Sexual Violence and on the Core Team of The Women of Color Network’s Call to Action.

Jane and her partner, Ellen Maxon live in Worcester, VT with their dog, Mocha and their cat, Yoda

ELM Grants

Each year, ELM supports ministry by publicly-identified lesbian, gay, bisexual,transgender rostered and queer leaders through our Grants program.  We have provided over $750,000 in funding for ministry by LGBT leaders since 1990.  ELM awarded $62,000 in Mission Partner Grants in 2011.  The grant recipients are selected by the Grants program, led by Margaret Moreland.

2011 Grant Recipients

ELM will give away $62,000 in 2011 to support ministry by LGBTQ rostered leaders. This year’s grant recipients are:

EcoFaith Recovery
EcoFaith Recovery

EcoFaith Recovery

Portland, OR: Rev. Robyn Hartwig $15,000

ELM continues to support this ministry that: “Develops and supports spiritual recovery from the addictive patterns of human life that contribute to the climate crisis, heighten social injustice, deprive people of spiritual meaning, and threaten life on earth.

The means of fostering eco-spiritual recovery includes retreats, workshops, spiritual practices, institutional reform, and pilgrimages to reconnect with the natural world.”- EcoFaith website

Chicago, IL: Rev. Erik Christensen $6,000

St. Luke’s continues to experience growth in membership and development. Outreach to the community for music & arts and healing & healthcare continues, along with partnering with neighborhood organizations.

Houston, Texas: Rev. Lura Groen $15,000

This urban congregation continues to grow and expand. One recent significant project is the development of Montrose Grace Place, whose mission is: “not to evangelize, convert, judge or shame, but to provide a safe, welcoming environment for vulnerable homeless youth of all sexualities and gender identities, providing nourishment, healthy relationships and hope for the future.”- Grace Lutheran Church website

Rev. Pieter Oberholzer (center)

South Africa: Rev. Pieter Oberholzer $8,000

This new grant will fund outreach to churches in southern Africa that are welcoming and affirming, where LGBTQ people can participate fully and be strengthened in their spiritual, psychological and sexual identity as human beings. IAM will host programs that support, empower and stimulate dialogue. Check out their new website (above).

Rev. Dan Hooper
Rev. Dan Hooper


Hollywood Lutheran Church

Los Angeles, CA: Rev. Dan Hooper (pictured left) $18,000

This new grant will provide pastoral, mental health and community services to prisoners, parolees, and those who are homeless. This grant will further develop ministry to marginalized populations.

View More ELM Grants

ELM Co-Chair Selected to Plan Emerging Leaders Conference

Rev. Erik Christensen at CC
Rev. Christensen

ELM board co-chairs Rev. Erik Christensen and Rev. Jen Nagel are involved with an exciting upcoming event, the Emerging Leaders Institute sponsored by Plymouth Center for Progressive Christian Faith. The Institue is April 28-May 1, 2011 in Minneapolis. Diana Butler Bass is the keynote speaker.

Erik is a past attendee and this year he has been hard at work serving as conference planning chair. Jen is serving as a mentor to 2011 Institute attendees. Learn more about the Institute and how to apply by visiting the following sites:

Click here for the Emerging Leaders facebook page.

Click here for the Emerging Leaders event facebook page.

Festival of Reconciliation & Restoration at St. Francis Lutheran Church, San Francisco

On Sunday, February 27 at 3 PM at St. Francis Lutheran Church, 152 Church Street, San Francisco, CA 94114 the Sierra Pacific Synod of the ELCA and St. Francis Lutheran Church invite you to The Festival of Reconciliation and Restoration, with the Rite of Reception, for St. Francis Lutheran Church to be restored as a congregation of the synod and of the ELCA.  Bishop Mark Holmerud, presiding.

Following the service there will be a GALA event starting at 6 PM to celebrate this historic occasion.

In 1990 St. Francis took the courageous step of calling Ruth Frost and Phyllis Zillhart as their new pastors. This action led to a trial, and in 1995, the removal of the congregation from roster of congregations of the synod and of the ELCA.

Formal invitations will be mailed out to members and friends of St. Francis.  If you would like to join us just email us at and we will forward to you an invitation.

Human Rights Campaign Clergy Call May 22-24

New Website for Clergy Call 2011

Clergy Call for Justice and Equality is being held May 22-24, 2011 in Washington, DC. Registration for this years conference is $50. Get more information and register here.

“In 2009, 250 clergy and religious leaders from all backgrounds and faith traditions joined us in Washington to make history by standing as a unified voice for justice and equality.  Together they brought that voice to Capitol Hill ensuring Congress knew that people of faith believed in fairness for LGBT people.

Religious leadership has been critical to the successes we have seen: the passage of the “Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act,” marriage equality in 5 new states and the District of Columbia, and the legislative repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”  We have made huge strides but much more remains to be done.  Join us this May as we continue to build a faithful movement that advocates for LGBT rights, locally and nationally.”

EcoFaith Recovery Party with ELM!

Young girl and Rev. Robyn Hartwig
Eco-Faith Recovery Director Rev. Robyn Hartwig

Join other friends of EcoFaith Recovery to share food, drumming, dancing & stories with each other and Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries’ Executive Director Amalia Vagts.
Sunday, February 13, 2011 + 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Redeemer Lutheran Church + 5431 NE 20th Avenue; Portland, OR

Schedule of Events
6:30 p.m. – Drum and Dance Circle with “Simply in Season” Salad Buffet
7:00 p.m. – Stories of EcoFaith Recovery
7:45 p.m. – Stories of Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries
8:00 p.m. – Dreaming together for the future of ELM and EcoFaith Recovery

*In thanksgiving for Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries, we will be welcoming donations to ELM that will support other creative and courageous Lutheran ministries across the country. EcoFaith Recovery is the direct result of a seed grant from ELM. All are welcome! Please RSVP to or Then bring a percussion instrument, and come out for a great time!

You will learn more about ELM’s work to expand ministry opportunities for publicly-identifed LGBTQ Lutheran rostered leaders. You will also learn more about the various ministries of EcoFaith Recovery which were created with an ELM grant.