On June 5 friends from Inclusive and Affirming Ministries are speaking at St. Luke’s in Chicago

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Staff member Rev Retha Benade & Board member Igor Boonzaaier before the march.On Tuesday, June 5th at 7pm Judith Kotzé and Ingrid Schoonraad from Inclusive and Affirming Ministries(IAM) in South Africa will be speaking at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square, Chicago.

IAM advocates that South African religious communities become more welcoming and affirming towards LGBTQ people. IAM works as a catalyst, interacting both with the religious faith communities and the gay community, building bridges through its programming and projects. IAM was an Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries grant recipient for a number of years and has strong ties to the Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries community as an ally in the United States.

The evening will include a status update of the movement for inclusion and affirmation of LGBTQ people in Christian churches and general society in South Africa and elsewhere in southern Africa. The video “Created In the Image of God” will also be shown. For more information contact: office(at)stlukesLS.org.