2013 Proclaim Retreat: Life changing experience

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The 2013 Proclaim Retreat earlier this month was a beautiful & moving weekend.  One person called it “life changing” in their evaluation.  

Some reflections from the retreat:

“One couldn’t go away from this retreat except feeling hugged, encouraged and especially stretched intellectually about the deeper breadth of our ministry.” (Pastor Bob Goldstein, retired)

“Both at the retreat and throughout the year, this community exemplifies for me what it means to ‘be church.'” (Becca Sealy, Seminarian)

“Why do I need the Proclaim community? Because this is the community who know how to listen for God’s “Here is the way’ in the midst of a church that continues to say “We aren’t quite ready for you yet. These Lutheran LGBTQ faith leaders challenge and comfort, inspire and heal me in ways that no one else can.” (Tim Feiertag, Awaiting First Call)

“The Proclaim retreat is one of the places I feel the most me…a place where my queerness, my faith, and my vocation can live and breathe together most freely.” (Pastor Jen Rude, Chicago Night Ministry)

“The Proclaim Retreat was a tremendous blessing for me. As a new seminarian struggling through the end of my first year, it provided me with the opportunity not only to feel inspired and reinvigorated, but also to learn a lot about some important topics that I hadn’t had much exposure to yet.” (Brian Hornbecker, Seminarian)

“I have been renewed, cleansed by the water, fed at the table, and gathered among a people of light, hope, and love. It is an Easter celebration.” (Sara Cogsil, Awaiting First Call)

The group photo below by Emily Ann Garcia displays the joy felt by all who attended. We’ve put up a wonderful collection of photos from the retreat that we’d love to share with you:  View photos from the retreat here. 

2013 Retreat Group photo

Proclaim is an ELM program. You support this work through your contributions to Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries. Every dollar makes experiences like the Proclaim retreat a reality–and in turn you  are affecting ministry throughout the church.  Thank you to our wonderful supporters for making this happen!

Learn more about Proclaim by visiting www.elm.org/proclaim.