First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed throughout the world. Romans 1:8
We have 139 members of Proclaim, the professional community for publicly identified LGBTQ Lutheran rostered leaders and those pursuing a call to rostered leadership. Thanks be to God for each of them and for the ways they are proclaiming their faith throughout the world! But, who are all these people? How can I learn more about them, what they are passionate about, how they are called, and what they like to eat? Drumroll……Proclaim Profiles!
Thanks to Brenda Bos we now have an online page dedicated to sharing parts of the lives of Proclaim members. These are stories that need to be told – stories of faithful LGBTQ leaders in our church.
Erik Christensen came up with the idea of Proclaim Trading Cards and started sharing one profile a day on his Facebook page. There is no gum included with these trading cards, but if you’d like to open a pack of Juicy Fruit or Double Bubble while you read Proclaim Profiles, go for it!
Just to get you started, here are a few to check out:
Ángel D. Marrero-Roe recently joined the ELM board and is currently on internship in Boston, MA. He’s got a great call story in the “Did you always want to be clergy?” section – check it out!
Find out about the first marriage John Brett was asked to perform and read the best description of a peach you’ll ever experience.
In addition to ministry type things (she just started her internship in Santa Monica, CA), Becca Seely likes to plan themed parties, write young adult fiction, and has some very interesting food tastes.
Barbara Lundblad is a pastor, preacher and teacher. Her list of who has inspired her is itself quite inspiring!
David De Block likes to describe his ministry at Central Lutheran in Seattle as being an “information kiosk” and his photo includes some cute and cuddly friends.
Those are just a few! Check out the rest HERE!