Advent Gift: New Resource for Candidacy and LGBTQ Individuals

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Candidacy and LGBTQ individuals coverELM is honored and excited to release the final version of “Candidacy and LGBTQ Individuals.” This one-of-a-kind resource was created for ELCA candidacy committees working with LGBTQ candidates. You are encourage to share this widely!  We released a draft version earlier this year in order to receive feedback and we are grateful for the suggestions and comments you made.  The document is stronger because of this communal effort.

Click to read or download the document (PDF): Candidacy and LGBTQ Individuals

This resource is timely in Advent, a season when we become more keenly aware of the now and not yet of so many things.  Now, more and more gifted and called LGBTQ people are attending seminary and serving as rostered leaders.  This is cause for joy and a celebration of these unique gifts in our church.  And, at the same time, some gifted and called LGBTQ people continue to face barriers in seminary, candidacy and the call process and are told “not  yet.”  We hope this offered resource will serve to honor the now and not yet as we both recognize the reality of barriers AND celebrate with joy the gifts of our LGBTQ leaders.

We are thankful to the ELCA for their support of this project and for all the faithful ones who contributed to this gift.  And thanks be to God who was, who is, and who is to come.