For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well. Psalm 139: 13-14

This scripture passage is part of the Psalm that will be read at the ordination of Proclaim member, Emily E. Ewing. Emily, a recent graduate of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, has been called to serve as pastor and mission developer of Christ the King Lutheran Church in South Jordan, Utah.
The ordination will take place this Saturday, August 23rd, at Emily’s home congregation, Mount of the Holy Cross Lutheran Church at the Vail Interfaith Chapel in Vail, CO at 11am MT.
Emily has been an active member of Proclaim since 2011 and has served in leadership with Proclaim seminarians, Proclaim retreat planning, and with our upcoming resource, Treasures in Clay Jars – sharing the stories and experiences of LGBTQ leaders in the Lutheran Church. Emily was also ELM’s 2011 Joel R. Workin Scholar.
Here’s what Emily says about her new call: “I am really excited for this new adventure. I am looking forward to engaging in ministry with the people of Christ the King Lutheran Church and together discerning where God is calling us and what God might be calling us to. I am also quite delighted to be back in the midst of mountains for this next step in my journey.“
We share our joy and prayers with Emily, Christ the King Lutheran Church, Mount of the Holy Cross Lutheran Church, and all who will gather this weekend to celebrate the works of God – that we know very well!
Thank you for your gift that affirms and supports gifted LGBTQ leaders in their calling to serve God’s church.