by the Rev. Amanda Nelson
ELM Executive Director
To all of our friends and supporters – thank you for a fabulous 2017!
Please click on the image above to watch a short highlight video from all of us at ELM.
For those unable to watch the video – the text from the video is below.
Happy New Year!
Video Text:
2017 has been a year of big changes and big celebrations for Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries.
Our programs continue to grow:
This year we gained 44 new members of Proclaim from Atlanta, Georgia to Regina, Saskatchewan.
33 of our new members are Seminarians.
4 are pastors, 2 deacons, and 5 are either retired or awaiting call
Overall our membership has reached 283 people – that’s 283 LGBTQIA+ leaders of our church publicly witnessing to the the transformational love of God and boldly proclaiming the good news of the gospels to communities across our country.
Over 85 volunteers, many of them Proclaim members themselves, help to strengthen our programs by serving as first-call coaches, local contacts, and synod assembly table hosts, to name just a few of the capacities in which they serve.
This year, we said farewell and thank you to Amalia Vagts for her years of dedicated and creative leadership – and welcome to Rev. Amanda Nelson who serves as our new Executive Director
Over 40 individuals and families have joined the ranks of those who support ELM financially – providing gifts annually or monthly to strengthen our ministries and lend their support to gender and sexual minority leaders of the Lutheran Church
Through it all, the gifts you have made of time and finances have been a blessing for many: You’ve connected new seminarians into the community of Proclaim. You’ve equipped call committees to open their processes to Gender and Sexual Minorities. You made the 2017 Proclaim Gathering possible and meaningful for the 70 Proclaim members who attended. You’ve helped to make ELM who we are today – and give us hope for who we can be in the future.
To all of you who have supported ELM this year, we say “Thank you”
Thank you for your gifts of time.
Thank you for your financial gifts.
Thank you for believing in LGBTQIA+ leaders.
Thank you for being Extraordinary!

Amanda is deeply grateful to all who have made her first five months as Executive Director so meaningful! She looks forward to meeting more friends and supporters of ELM in the New Year – so invite her to your congregation!