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Picture description: a snowy scene of evergreen trees with the peak of a church poking through.
Pulpit Dreams
By Jon Rundquist
As frigid winds across the prairies blow
And birds have left the northern Midwest climes
The church upon the hill collects the snow
Around the door and lot just like old times
And I with wife in hand and child in arm
Head out into the drift with dragging skirts
The snow lets up before the bell’s alarm
We leave with hope, and yet, my heart still hurts
With yearning pulpit dreams akin to grief
It’s been so long since I have been up there
The peace I had was stolen by a thief
A thief with Bible-twisted fear and glare
Of course, the conscience-bound are always right
They steal the dreams of queer and trans alike
The joy of Advent mired by hate and spite
Uncomfortability is giv’n a mic
“I’m sorry” so they say. “Not ready yet”
“Just give us time, okay?” How long to wait?
Awaiting Baby Jesus, Advent wreaths are set
For love to break the walls of fear and hate
As frigid winds across the prairies blow
We pray for opened minds from Advent’s themes
Embrace us all to fill your hearts and sow
The seeds of all our hopes and pulpit dreams
Jon Rundquist (he/her/theirs) is a non-binary trans/genderqueer rebellious preacher of the rural Northwoods, where they are a stay-at-home parent and an occasional electronics team member at Target. Jon has many loves, including his wife and two children, and an affinity for sci-fi/fantasy Star Trek/Wars/Gate. Yes, that’s six slashes. She hopes to one day serve in ordained ministry for the God and Church she loves. Rebellions are built on hope after all.