Proclaim Reaches 100!

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Proclaim LogoThis week, Proclaim reached an important milestone: 100 members!  Proclaim is a community for Lutheran pastors, rostered leaders & seminarians who publicly identify as LGBTQ. Proclaim is a program of Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries. You can learn more about Proclaim, see the full list of those in Proclaim, and get information about joining here:

Proclaim is a living witness of Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries’ core belief that ministry by people who publicly and joyfully identify as LGBTQ is one way to change the church and society to become a place more fully inclusive of all people. We believe God’s Great Welcome Table is open to all, and that all kinds of people, including those of all sexual orientations and gender identities, are called to receive and share God’s gifts.

This community is proclaiming the good news for all people each day, in congregations, on the street, at hospital bedsides, in the classroom, on the bus, and in all sorts of places to all kinds of people.

Proclaim includes people from the Historic ELM Roster, ELCA pastors and rostered lay leaders, ELCA candidates awaiting call, seminary and divinity school students, and retired pastors.  Proclaim is open to all rostered leaders from all Lutheran denominations.

Here are a few Proclaim Voices…

Amanda Nelson on the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering

The Rev. Jay Wiesner on 8 Years in Ministry

Cary Bass on Marriage

Brenda Bos at L.A. Pride