Rev. Mark Allred, Proclaim member, has been named the new Program Director for American Indian and Alaska Native Ministries for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Mark will begin the position this month in the Chicago ELCA office.
Mark is uniquely positioned to assist the churchwide organization in the advancement of the American Indian and Alaska Native Ministries program; with a focus in the areas of proclamation of the Gospel, Christian ministry in a holistic manner, and strengthening stewardship within the community.
Mark was ordained in July of 2011 at Alaska Native Lutheran Church in Anchorage, Alaska. He has served as the Director for Evangelical Mission in the Alaska Synod, pastor of the Alaska Native Lutheran Church in Anchorage and Economic Development Program Manager with the Alaska Native Regional Corporation.
We are extend our congratulations to Mark and look forward to hearing more about his work.
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