2013 marks the 18th anniversary of Joel’s passing from AIDS. This year, ELM will award a $1,000 grant to a seminary student who meets the eligibility criteria and submits a qualifying application. The award comes with a $1,000 scholarship which may be used for tuition, educational costs, spiritual and professional development, and candidacy expenses. For more information about Joel go here.
This will be the sixth year that a Joel R. Workin Memorial scholarship has been awarded. This award is open to all LGBTQ seminarians who are members of Proclaim. Click here for the Proclaim membership form.
The Joel R. Working Memorial Scholarship Endowment Committee includes Joel’s friends and former classmates, the Rev. Jeff R. Johnson and Greg Egertson; friend and former co-worker, Michael Nelson; first Workin recipient, the Rev. Jen Rude; and ELM Executive Director, Amalia Vagts. We invite you to apply or encourage eligible persons to do so.
To be considered for the award, your completed application must be submitted to the scholarship committee no later than Friday, May 10, 2013. All application materials must be submitted electronically to director@elm.org. The scholarship committee will notify applicants of its decision on or before May 29, 2013.
Download the scholarship application here.
If you would like to make a gift designated for the Joel R. Workin Endowment Fund, please contact Amalia Vagts, Executive Director at director@elm.org or 563-382-6277.
Please consider making a planned gift from your estate to this fund.