Celebrating the Ordinations of Two Proclaim Members!

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Two members of Proclaim, the professional community for publicly identified LGBTQ Lutheran rostered leaders and seminarians, are being ordained to the ministry of Word and Sacrament!

Erik HaalandErik Haaland has been called to serve as Associate Pastor at Christ Church Lutheran in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  He will be ordained and installed Sunday November 24, 2013 at 2pm.  In presence, in spirit, in prayers, we join Erik and Christ Church Lutheran in this celebration!


Cogsil_SaraSara Cogsil has been called to serve as pastor of University Lutheran Church in East Lansing, Michigan.  She will be ordained Saturday December 7, 2013 at 10am in the chapel at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, OH.  Sara will be installed at University Lutheran Church on Wednesday, December 11, 2013.  In presence, in spirit, in prayers, we join Sara and University Lutheran in this celebration!

For Erik and Sara and these communities of faith, praise be to God!