The cake pictured at left was served on Thursday, Oct 28th at the occasion of Rev. Donna Simon’s 10th ordination anniversary and reception to the ELCA roster in the Central States Synod.
It’s a fitting photo for tomorrow as well, when the Minneapolis Area Synod of the ELCA will receive Rev. Jodi Barry. Tomorrow’s service will be held at Grace University Lutheran Church.
Minneapolis Area Bishop Craig Johnson will preside at the service. The Rev. M. Susan Peterson is preaching. All are welcome at this service!
Grace is located at 324 Harvard Street SE in Minneapolis. Parking is available across the street from the church in the AA parking lot. Check back in a few days for a recap of both services.
The ELCA Rite of Reception is the formal rite developed by the ELCA to receive members of the Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries roster onto the ELCA roster.
(Cake made by Niki Williams, a member of Abiding Peace Lutheran Church in Kansas City, MO).