Enrich & Transform: New Resource for Call Committees

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By Jen Rude, program director

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.   Romans 12:2

Rev. Angela Joy Nelson.   Photo credit: Emily Ann Garcia
Rev. Angela Joy Nelson. Photo credit: Emily Ann Garcia

Is your congregation open to LGBTQ pastors?

Do you need help beginning that conversation?

Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries is thrilled to be sharing a new resource with you – Enrich & Transform: Welcoming LGBTQ Candidates into the Call Process.

ELM’s Ministry Engagement Team has been working hard gathering wisdom and insight from call committee members, LGBTQ pastors, synod staff, and bishops in an effort to develop a useable resource for call committees to become more open to the full diversity of gifts and people that God has called, including LGBTQ persons.  It’s inspiring, colorful, practical, and faithful.  And I’m going to keep this blog post short so you can get right to it.  Check it out HERE!  And help us get it out there – send it to a congregation looking for a new pastor in your area!

Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries’ wonderful friends made this resource possible through their contributions. Your continued support will help us identify and produce more tools for ministry. You make ministry happen!


By Rev. Jen Rude.  Jen is enriched and transformed by the bold and faithful people that are connected with Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries.  Today this especially includes all the voices and stories that are represented in this resource and the Ministry Engagement Team convener, Dr. Margaret Moreland, who was a champion on this project.