We are confirmed! The retreat will be held at Stony Point Center, New York, April 18-21. Our keynote speaker is Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson, who will join us for most of the retreat. The gathering will include professional development and community building. We expect it to be a fantastic weekend!
Registration opens in January, 2012. All Proclaim members will receive updates via email.
Bp. Robinson, the current bishop of the New England diocese of the Episcopalian church, is the first publicly-identified gay person to be elected bishop in a major Christian denomination.
Please save the date and invite friends and colleagues that would be interested.
Contact Rachael Johnson, operations@elm.org, with any questions.
Proclaim is the new professional community for publicly-identified LGBTQ Lutheran rostered leaders and seminarians. Proclaim is a program of Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries.
Stay tuned for more details about the retreat.
Testimonials from attendees of the 2011 Proclaim retreat:
“This weekend has been a much needed oasis for me…This was the first time I have been able to be around others who publicly identify as LGBTQ and are ELCA rostered leaders and seminarians (and their families). I didn’t realize there were so many of us (and that wasn’t even everybody!). This weekend has rejuvenated me to go back to seminary with more people that I can find support from.”
Emily Ewing, 2011 Joel R. Workin Scholar, Seminarian at Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
“We arrived late, during worship, and the sound of singing resonated throughout the building. We could not help but sing too. Tears of joy streamed down my face as I gathered with those whose journey had taken us this far. It was an amazing weekend of welcoming, affirming, and intentionality.”
Rev. David Coffman, South Carolina Synod of the ELCA
“We are building new community through Proclaim, strengthening our witness, empowering our voice, accompanying one another into God’s gracious future!”
Rev. Jeff R. Johnson, Sierra-Pacific Synod of the ELCA
Can you send me information that I can share with students at LTSP who might be interested in attending? Costs for students, etc. Thanks!
Heidi Rodrick-Schnaath
Coordinator of Student Services, LTSP