The Board of Directors is ELM’s volunteer governing body.  There are 8 members, four of whom are officers (Co-chairs (2), Secretary, and Treasurer).  Board members serve three-year terms.  The Board of Directors meets by video chat 12 times per year. Board member terms begin and end on March 1. We are always interested in knowing about people who are passionate about ELM and who would like to enrich an organizational culture rooted in faith, grounded in radical love and hospitality, clear with purpose, dependent on collaboration, and transparent in motives. We celebrate difference and delight in the strength of diverse perspectives. If you would like to learn more about serving on the ELM Board of Directors, please contact 

Board of Directors

Mycah McNett (Board Co-Chair) (Other Co-Chair seat currently vacant)

Mycah McNett (she/her) is a life-long Lutheran who hails from both Washingtons: the State and the DC Area. Being a Queer Lutheran is a major part of Mycah’s identity, as is being a huge nerd. Mycah met her spouse by playing Pokemon Go and is constantly making Lord of the Rings and tabletop RPG references in conversation. Mycah is a 2023 graduate of United Lutheran Seminary and is ordained in the ELCA. Mycah holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from James Madison University, specializing in environmental and evolutionary fields as well as anthropology. After college, Mycah served as a Young Adult in Global Mission through the ELCA in Manchester, UK. Before attending seminary, Mycah served as a lay staff member in a Lutheran congregation where she worked with communication, youth, and young adult ministries. Currently, Mycah is located just outside Philadelphia, PA with her spouse, Alyssa, and three cats: Clem, Clio, and Minnie. 

Kelsey Brown

Rev. Kelsey Brown describes herself as sometimes funny, very queer, frequently anxious, and completely absurd. A 20-something hailing from Long Island, New York – she comes equipped with the accent & attitude to back it up. In her free time, she is falling back in love with spoken word poetry, breaking it down on the dance floor, and ritual creation. She believes with her full heart that God’s delight in diversity is call for us all to embrace the fullness of humanity. Racial justice and advocacy work fuel her fire, while deep friendships and long naps quench her thirst. She can be seen in her natural habitat – quoting showtunes, doubled over in laughter and challenging others to “do the work.” Her ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has taken many courses including camping ministry in New Jersey, Synod work in Metro New York and Internship in sunny Southern California. She is blessed to serve as the Pastor of Jehu’s Table, a Lutheran Church in Brooklyn – Pastor Kelsey brings to the Church a pulse of integrity and personhood for all people, a love of preaching and deep care for the other.

Lindsey Jorgensen-Skakum

Rev. Lindsey Jorgensen-Skakum (they/them/theirs) began their journey towards ordained ministry in 2007 when they felt God’s call to use their gifts in a new way. After completing a B.A. in Religious Studies, they enrolled at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Saskatoon in 2012 to prepare for rostered ministry within the ELCIC. In 2016, Pastor Lindsey was called to Holy Spirit Lutheran Church in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. When Pastor Lindsey isn’t serving the church they can be found playing board games with their wife Danika, or strapping on a pair of roller skates to play roller derby as their alter ego “Dreamwhip”.

Christopher Vergara

Christopher Vergara, grew up in a charismatic non-denominational Spanish Language church in New York City. Having gone to parochial school his entire life, as having a Christian education was of the utmost importance to his single immigrant mother, he attended Martin Luther High School and then Valparaiso University where he was drawn into the Lutheran tradition. Returning to New York City to attend The Juilliard School, he became an active member of Saint Peter´s Church, where he has served as Parish Secretary, Vice-President and is the current President. At the Metropolitan New York Synod, he has served on the Synod Council, the Executive Committee, is Chair of the AMMPARO/Sanctuary Ministry, and was recently appointed to lead the synod’s Advocacy Taskforce. Most recently, Christopher helped organize the memorial and made the motion at the recent church-wide assembly to have the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America declare itself a sanctuary denomination. Outside of his volunteer work, Christopher is a professional Costume Designer and a proud player of Gotham Knight’s Rugby Football Club.

Suzannah Porter

Suzannah (she/her) is a former Field Director for various congressional campaigns and political action committees and women’s advocacy organizations such as NOW and NARAL. Currently she is a member of the ELCA Delaware-Maryland Synod Council and worships at Dreams & Visions church in Baltimore Maryland. She currently consults on technology, live worship, database management and other technological needs of small faith communities. Suzannah is passionate about engaging laity, pounding pavements, and bringing awareness and understanding to issues surrounding ADHD and PTSD. She currently resides in Baltimore, MD with her beloved chosen family recovering from long-haul COVID. She really wants you to wear your mask.

Jessica Davis 

Jessica (they/them or she/her) is best described as an “angry Black woman in love with the gospel.” They serve as a Christian educator, pastoral counselor, reparations educator/coordinator, and freelance writer and speaker living in the Philadelphia area. Jessica’s ministry passions include: youth ministry, church music, community visioning, and diversity/equity/inclusion education. When not doing churchy things, they can usually be found knitting, volunteering with refugees and asylum-seekers, or working as a freelance makeup artist.

Tom Gehring

Ryan Fordice

Treasurer-  Rev. Janet Katari (non-Board)

Rev. Janet Katari (she/her) pastors Christ Church, Lutheran, in San Francisco and holds a Master of Divinity from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary. Most of her life’s work has been with churches and non-profits, although she started out as a chemist and strategy consultant. She leads the Mission Discipling Team of her Synod in nurturing new starts and congregational redevelopment. She lives in Berkeley with her partner Carrie and a rotating group of teenage and adult children and enjoys making music, playing board games, and going on adventures.