ELM Co-chairs Approved for ELCA Roster

In separate synod committee decisions late last week, Rev. Erik Christensen and Rev. Jen Nagel were approved for the roster of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Christensen and Nagel serve as co-chairs of Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries, an organization that expands ministry opportunities for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Lutheran pastors.

Rev. Christensen has served as ELM co-chair since its inception in 2007 and Rev. Jen Nagel began the role on June 3, 2010. Christensen and Nagel are among the first gay or lesbian pastors in relationships to be approved for the ELCA roster.

Rev. Christensen, a graduate of Candler School of Theology, Emory University (M.Div., ’02) and the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (S.T.M., ’04), was approved for ordination in May 2005 by Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries. He was called to serve at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square in Chicago, IL and was ordained there on October 21, 2006. Rev. Christensen was approved by the South East Iowa Synod on Friday, June 11. The same committee had denied his approval in 2005 because of the previous ELCA policy banning people in same-sex relationships from serving as rostered leaders.

Christensen currently serves as pastor of St. Luke’s. The congregation has grown significantly during Christensen’s tenure and has become a well-established part of the thriving Logan Square neighborhood. July 9-11, St. Luke’s is sponsoring “Boulevard Bash,” a three-day live music and food festival, a first for the area.

Rev. Nagel currently serves as pastor of Salem English Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, MN and has been there since July 2003. Nagel was ordained on January 19, 2008. Salem English Lutheran has received recognition for its work in urban renewal and transformational ministry. Faced with an unsustainable large city church building, workforce housing will be built on a portion of their land and a smaller, sustainable ministry center will be renovated and shared by Salem and ecumenical partner Lyndale United Church of Christ.

“Sixteen years ago I began candidacy to become a pastor in the ELCA. I never dreamed the journey would hold so much grace or be quite this long. I stand on the shoulders of many who have gone before and so many who have faithfully served, some facing deep pain and struggle. I give thanks for the policy changes that have led us to this day and for a more open conversation about the gifts and burdens of sexuality for all of God’s people. The ministry I share with the people of Salem will continue and, I trust, be transformed still by the Holy Spirit’s amazing power,” said Rev. Jen Nagel following the decision.

Nagel holds an M.Div. from University of Chicago-Divinity School (’98), completed work at Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago (’99) and Concordia College, Moorhead Minnesota (’94). She’s served at Central Lutheran Church and Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, in Africa, Chicago, Michigan, and outdoor ministry settings. Nagel has served on the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches and on the Minneapolis Area Synod Council of the ELCA. Nagel was approved by the Minneapolis Area Synod on June 10. Nagel lives in Minneapolis with her partner, Rev. Jane McBride (a United Church of Christ minister) and their daughter.

Celebration for Abiding Peace!

ELM roster member Rev. Donna Simon’s congregation, Abiding Peace Lutheran Church in Kansas City, MO was celebrated at the Synod Assembly on June 5, 2010. About 30 people gave up their lunch breaks to celebrate the lifting of their ELCA censure. The congregation was put under censure in 2001 for calling and ordaining Rev. Simon outside of the ELCA policies. During the Synod Assembly pastors in the synod put together a short liturgy,

“It was a really lovely service, and we were touched by the response. I feel like our synod, under the leadership of our bishop, has begun to embrace a new day of inclusion”-Rev. Donna Simon (left)

Supporters thanked Rev. Simon for her witness and struggle, the candidacy committee as she concludes her reception process and the ELCA “for “the boldness and faithfulness of the people of the ELCA for the passage of the Statement on Human Sexuality, and for the ministry policies that have been adopted.”

We look forward to more celebrations of this sort across the country in the coming months. Read Rev. Simon’s blog here.

ELM Adopts Food Access & Information Access Policy

At the February ELM Covenant Circle (ELM’s board), ELM leaders participated in an 8-hour training by queer, trans (dis)ability trainer Colin Kennedy Donovan. This training led to a commitment by the Covenant Circle to explore expanding accessibility (in many forms, such as food, physical access and access to printed and online communications).

During the June Covenant Circle meeting a formal food policy and information access policy was adopted by consensus. The information access policy ensures that
web & print communications coming out from ELM can be shared and understood by all.

Part of the statement reads:
“We recognize that inaccessible communications have limited the ability of many people with disabilities to learn about and participate in our movement. We value the gifts and participation of people with information-related disabilities”

The food policy is in regards to food served at ELM events. Jay Wilson (left), ELM Diversity Chair explained, “ELM is committed to working against oppression and discrimination and for inclusion. As part of that commitment, we recognize that failure to meet the food needs of participants in ELM events can be a barrier to participation. This policy outlines the expectations for meeting the food needs of expected participants in ELM events which should be followed by event organizers.”

The policy will be implemented in regards to Holy Communion and all ELM hosted events where food is provided.

“Theologically and politically, Holy Communion as a symbol for our unity in Christ is strongest when we find ways for all people to participate as fully as possible. One relatively easy way to accommodate the elements to people with specific food needs [is] to always offer a low-allergen/gluten-free alternative host alone or in addition to other bread. Another easy way to increase communion access is to offer grape juice in addition to or instead of wine. The policy also describes safe-handling procedures to avoid contaminating communion elements with allergens.”

The board will consider a mobility access policy & environmental stewardship policy during their September meeting. The policies will be posted on www.elm.org later this summer. For more information on these policies please contact Rev. Jay Wilson: diversity(at)elm.org

Reception and Reinstatement Service Scheduled in Sierra Pacific Synod

A service of reception, reinstatement and reconciliation will be held for 7 ELM pastors in the Sierra Pacific Synod in July. The service is Sunday, July 25 at 4:00 pm at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in San Francisco, CA. The ELM pastors being received are Rev. Paul Brenner, Rev. Jeff Johnson, Rev. Craig Minich, Rev. Dawn Roginski, Rev. Megan Rohrer, Rev. Sharon Stalkfleet. The pastor being reinstated is Rev. Ross Merkel.

Since the August 2009 Churchwide decision many ELM roster members plan to join the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) roster. The reception process is the last step in becoming part of the ELCA roster for those who were extraordinarily ordained.

As we receive more details about this service and others we will let our supporters know about these joyous celebrations.

The Church Doors Open Wider

This morning, the Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly passed a resolution that empowers the Synod Council to act to welcome St. Francis Lutheran Church and First United Lutheran Church back to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and invites these congregations to discern this action. The resolution passed with 291 votes for, 26 against and 10 abstentions. The vote was announced to great applause.

St. Francis (photo) and First United were placed on trial by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 1990 for extending calls to openly gay Jeff Johnson and openly lesbian Ruth Frost and Phyllis Zillhart. The ELCA suspended their membership until 1995 and then dropped them from the roster of congregations. Both St. Francis and First United have remained thriving Lutheran ministries since then and have been served by both ELCA pastors and pastors rostered by Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries.


Censure Lifted at University Lutheran Chapel!

In another step for the ELCA toward becoming a welcoming and inclusive church, Bp. Mark Holmerud (left), Bishop of the ELCA Sierra Pacific Synod, ended his report to the synod at today’s assembly with the news that he was lifting the censure of University Lutheran Chapel in Berkeley, CA. The Chapel was placed under censure in 2000, after calling Rev. Jeff Johnson (ELM Roster).

Bp. Holmerud’s announcement was greeted with tears, cheers and a standing ovation from the assembly. Bp. Holmerud has been a strong supporter of opening the doors and pulpits of the ELCA to people of diverse sexualities and genders. Bp. Holmerud has shared his own story of transformation from his decision to not attend the extraordinary ordinations of Rev. Jeff Johnson, Rev. Ruth Frost and Rev. Phyllis Zillhart to his committed and outspoken support in recent years.

University Lutheran Chapel was placed under censure when they called Rev. Jeff Johnson ten years ago. Pastor Jeff was extraordinarily ordained in 1990 (photo at right) and served First United Lutheran Church for ten years before accepting a call to the Chapel. Pastor Jeff was a founder of Lutheran Lesbian & Gay Ministries and Extraordinary Candidacy Project, the predecessor organizations to Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries. Jeff is a visionary and passionate pastor. Pastor Jeff lives in Oakland with his partner, Pepe Sanchez Aldaco.

Pastor Jeff was also elected today to the Sierra Pacific Synod Council, pending his reception onto the ELCA Roster. Stay tuned for more updates from the Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly.

We give thanks for the members and friends of University Lutheran Chapel for their long witness to an inclusive and welcoming church, to Pastor Jeff and Pepe, and to Bishop Mark Holmerud!

Another Step Forward

Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries celebrates the good news that Pastor Bradley Schmeling and Pastor Darin Easler have been reinstated to the roster of the ELCA. This is yet another joyful moment as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America takes steps toward becoming a more fully inclusive church.

Pastor Bradley was removed from the ELCA roster in 2007 by church trial after telling his bishop that he was in a relationship with Easler. Easler had already been dropped from the ELCA roster after coming out to his congregation and bishop in Southeast Minnesota.

Bradley and Darin’s stories are two examples of the stories of countless other gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender pastors. The actions of the Southeastern Synod to reinstate them are a step towards reconciling those in the church who have been separated from one another because of the ELCA’s former policy barring partnered gay and lesbian people from serving as pastors.

Pastor Bradley, Pastor Darin, and the members of St. John’s Lutheran Church have been a powerful witness in their community and to the church about full inclusion, hospitality and welcome. Bishop Julian Gordy and the ELCA Southeastern Synod are a witness to the power of reconciliation.

ELCA News Release here.
LC/NA Release here

ELM donors supported the costs of Pastor Bradley’s 2007 trial with gifts totaling over $12,000. Visit www.elm.org to learn more about Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries.

ELM Announces Release of 10 Minute “In The Beginning” Film

Many new people are learning about the work of Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries following the recent changes in the ELCA’s ministry policies. Part of the work of Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries has been support of “extraordinary ordinations,” the ordinations of openly gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people who were previously barred from serving in the ELCA.

“In The Beginning” shows rare footage of the first extraordinary ordinations and gives viewers a glimpse at the beginning of a movement that has supported openly gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Lutheran pastors for twenty years.

The short film was produced by award-winning filmmaker Pam Walton and includes clips from her film, Call to Witness (2000), a documentary on gay and lesbian Lutheran pastors who took stands against unjust church policies barring gay and lesbian people from serving as pastors.

You can view (and share!) this moving and informative short film here:

Censure Lifted at Congregation Served by ELM Roster Member

We joyfully announce St. Paul Area Synod Bishop Peter Rogness has lifted the censure and admonition of St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran Church in St. Paul, MN. ELM roster member Pastor Anita Hill is senior pastor of the congregation. Sanctions had been placed on St. Paul Reformation Lutheran Church since 2001 after they extended a call to Pastor Anita Hill. Pr. Hill was ordained extraordinarily in 2001. In a letter to congregational co-presidents Anita Wheeler and Paul Chindvall formally removing the censure and admonition, Bp. Peter Rogness wrote:

“In lifting the sanctions in 2003, I observed that even in the aftermath of the imposition of censure and sanctions regarding participation, St. Paul-Reformation remained engaged and supportive of the life of this church. From that time until now, St. Paul-Reformation, its pastors and members, including Anita Hill, have been steadfast in their support of our life together as a church, and bold in their witness as Christ’s people in the world. Your disagreements with decisions of the church did not cause you to pull away; in this you have modeled for the whole church what it is to be united in Christ and Christ’s mission, not dependent on agreement on all things, but knowing how to embrace and affirm diversity in many ways. The whole church is stronger for your witness.”

Read more about Rev. Hill and her congregation’s commitment to justice for people of all sexualities and gender identities called to serve as ordained pastors here.

ELM pastor’s reaction to ELCA policy changes

The story below ran on the Lutheran (True) Confessions blog, April 17, 2010:

“ELM roster member Pr. Craig Minich, who serves congregations in the East Bay Lutheran Parish in Oakland and Alameda, California, was scheduled to preach on Sunday April 11Trinity Lutheran Church in Oakland. Pr. Craig is one of the 17 pastors who were ordained extra ordinem because ELCA policy required a promise of celibacy from LGBT clergy.

Shortly before the beginning of worship, Pr. Craig received a text message from the ELM attendees at the ELCA Church Council meeting in Chicago: the Church Council had just approved a rite for receiving onto the ELCA roster the ELM clergy who had been ordained extra ordinem. On Saturday the Church Council had approved changes in ministry policy to remove the celibacy requirement for LGBT clergy.

The worship service started, hymns were sung, the first two lessons were read, and Pr. Craig began to read the Gospel, John 20:19-31, the story of Thomas, the disciple who needs to see to believe, the story that is quoted in the rite of ordination: When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” (John 20:22-23)

Pr. Craig is a man of large emotions, and the Gospel lesson cast a new light on the news that been texted to his phone a few minutes before. He stopped reading, paused to compose himself, and then explained what the Church Council had done and his connection to it: I never thought I would see the day when I could be accepted on the ELCA roster.”