Cara Knutson

Cara Knutson

I was born and raised in a family of faith that instilled deep values that continue to shape and form my identity to this day. Throughout my college years I searched to make my faith my own eventually discerning a call to ordained ministry while enrolled in graduate theological study. Through the next nine years I encountered many delays and roadblocks but still pursued where I felt God leading me. A wise friend once shared with me to pay attention to the opportunities that present themselves in life as this is one way a person can discern where God is calling them.

Through a series of events I was invited to apply to ELM and this summer was formally entered into the program. In the fall of 2009 I began seminary study at United Theological Seminary in New Brighton MN. I am looking forward to continued spiritual growth and formation through my courses at UTS and Luther Seminary and growing further into community with school, church, ELM and family.

My partner Maja Knutson and I were married in Des Moines IA in Aug. 2009 and are very excited at all the new beginnings in our life together. Maja’s family lives in the Twin Cities area and are delighted to have us living so close and have been incredibly loving and supportive.