Photo credit: Emily Ann Garcia
Photo credit: Emily Ann Garcia

Welcome to Ministry Engagement – a program of Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries.  We seek to steward the gifts of LGBTQIA+ rostered leaders and support extraordinary congregations and ministries because we believe the public witness of LGBTQIA+ ministers transforms the church and enriches the world.

Through this program we are working to create more calls for gifted LGBTQIA+ leaders, while celebrating and highlighting extraordinary congregations and ministries impacted by the ministry of LGBTQIA+ leaders.  LGBTQIA+ leaders have unique gifts to offer the church.  And the witness of these extraordinary congregations and ministries is a source of inspiration and cause for celebration!

Check out our new 6 minute video Enrich & Transform – the story of one congregation’s journey to call an openly gay pastor.

Ministry Engagement focuses on the following key areas:

+ Through ELM Local Contacts in various synods we share resources (including Enrich & Transform) with synod staffs, congregations, and call committees to help them become more open to the diversity of leaders God has called to serve our church, including LGBTQIA+ leaders.  Not ready for an LGBTQIA+ leader?  What are you doing to get ready?!  Check out this resource as a starting place.

+ We share the stories of extraordinary and innovative congregations and ministries served by LGBTQIA+ leaders as a gift and inspiration to the church. 

+ With the support of local volunteers, ELM attends synod assemblies or other gatherings to connect with lay leaders in congregations and ministries

Photo credit: Emily Ann Garcia
Photo credit: Emily Ann Garcia

For many years, ELM supported extraordinary congregations and ministries through Mission Grants. Since 1995, ELM donors have invested $912,000 in ministries and congregations led by LGBTQIA+ leaders. In some instances, ELM provided funding that kept congregations open and helped launched innovative ministries.

Although ELM is not currently awarding grants, click here to view some of the past Ministry Grant recipients.

If you’d like to support ELM’s programs like this one, please click here.