Congregations, Communications & Hearts On Fire

New Ways for Congregation to Get Involved with Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries:
The biggest NEW part of the Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries community is the role of congregations. In this new organization, congregations are critical to the movement. Congregations have an opportunity to affiliate with ELM as a way to actively live out their commitment to full inclusion in life and ministry of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the Lutheran church. Here are a few ways your congregation can get involved:

Creative Communications- We Need Your Help
We believe that if more Lutherans knew about the exciting work of Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries that they would want to become a part of our movment. Help us reach out to Lutherans in all the ways we communicate by:

  • Joining us on your favorite social networking online: Facebook, Myspace and Tribe
  • Writing about our work and events on your blog
  • Forwarding our emails and inviting others to join us online
  • Sending us an email to join us in creating, writing and/or editing our newsletters, press releases, our website and other online materials

Join Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries at Hearts on Fire!
Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries is proud to help underwrite Hearts on Fire. The Biennial Assembly and Reconciling in Christ Convention hosted by our coalition partner Lutherans Concerned/North America, Hearts on Fire is July 3-6 at San Francisco State University. Early registration closes March 15, so we encourage you to register today. Prices will rise after March 15 to the standard rate.

Many members of the Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries community attend these gatherings each year and look forward to connecting with old and new friends. If you have recently become involved with Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries, we hope you will join us at Hearts on Fire for a great opportunity to connect in person with others seeking the full inclusion and participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in Lutheran life and ministry. Learn more and register.

Keynote speakers:

  • Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson
  • Rev. Kelly Fryer
  • Bishop John Selders of the Church of God
  • Rev. Gladys Moore.

The assembly also includes:

  • Training to use story telling to advance the movement to full inclusion
  • Sharing of best practices with others committed to full inclusion
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Child care
  • Bible study
  • Uplifting worship services
  • Spiritual counseling
  • Prayer
  • Fellowship

Pre-assembly events:

  • an event for couples
  • an event for rostered leaders
  • in-depth anti-racism training “Finding the I in the Middle of Racism.”

Getting Greener – Radio – Photos

Help Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries Get Greener

“We are also called to be stewards of God’s creation, to live more sustainable, responsible lives with others in the world.”ELM Vision Document

Something about this holiday season and the way the letters E-L-M come together has got us thinking about trees and our commitment to be “stewards of God’s creation. As you read this, the latest newsletter of Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries is on its way to your front door. Each newsletters was printed on paper and transported by plane and truck to your front door. If you are willing and able to recieve your newsletters via pdf delivered to your email, please let us know so we can be better stewards of our precious resources. You can also save paper for envelopes and checks by making your donations online. As we continue to work on becoming greener, we will let you know more ways you can help.

ELM Radio Feature:
Amalia Vagts Talks about Clergy Debt Relief
Listen to a short clip from an interview of ELM Development Director Amalia Vagts that aired on Decorah’s 100.5. Hear Amalia talk about the seminary debt costs for pastors who chose to be honest about their sexual orientation and gender identity. You will also hear some songs from the ELM Benefit Album, Out of the Extraordinary that seeks to raise awareness of the issue, with 100% of the proceeds to debt relief for ELM seminarians and roster members.

Photos from Chicago Posted Online
Jen Rude became the first pastor to be ordained in the newly formed Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries (ELM) and the first official challenge to the new ELCA policy of “Refrain and Restraint” that was passed at its biennial assembly August 6-11 in Chicago. View the photos …